The Refuge Madawaska Shelter Inc receives an important cheque from the Madawaska SPCA

SPCA MadawaskaEDMUNDSTON, May 28, 2014 – The Refuge Madawaska Shelter has received a cheque of great value, from the Madawaska SPCA.

During an extraordinary meeting of the Refuge Madawaska Shelter, which was held Tuesday May 27th, Mrs. Marie-Andrée Roy.

The Madawaska SPCA was incorporated in the Madawaska County, February 20th 1991. Due to incontrollable circumstances, the organization was dissolved.

During that time, the Veterinarian Hospital, l’hôpital vétérinaire du Madawaska, located in St-Jacques, started an initiative of their own, by creating an adoption program. With every adoption, 10$ was attributed to the interim funding program designed to go toward the Madawaska SPCA. Since the Madawaska SPCA had not materialized, the funds were never used.

The Refuge Madawaska Shelter, founded on March 6th 2012, an organization having the same values and goals as the Madawaska SPCA, such as promoting the well-being of the animals, by educating and raising awareness in our community in regards to the health and prevention, as well as giving those animals in need a second chance at life, requested a transfer of those monetary funds.

The Madawaska SPCA responded in a positively to our request, which brings us to last night’s extraordinary meeting, where a cheque in the amount of $6367.98 was presented to the Refuge Madawaska Shelter. Christine Landry, President of the Refuge Madawaska Shelter, is thrilled and extremely grateful to accept this generous transfer of funds, which will go directly towards the construction of the Shelter.


In the picture, from left to right, we have Mr Don Baker, Christine Landry, and Mrs. Marie-Andrée Roy.

Catherine Lecomte
Public Relations
Refuge Madawaska Shelter Inc.